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All About Kambo

  • What is Kambo?

  • Where do we get our Kambo?

  • Who can sit with Kambo?

  • What to expect during your Kambo session?

So...what is Kambo, anyway?


I'd like to introduce you to Phyllomedusa bicolor, also known as the Giant Leaf Frog, among many other names. Its taxonomic name translates to “Guardian of the Leaf” and its home is in the Amazon jungle. Kambo is a biological phenomenon derived from the secretion on the skin of this beautiful creature. This secretion contains several bioactive peptides and neuropeptides which are conducive to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being in humans. Through the research of Vittorio Erspamer, an esteemed Italian pharmacologist from the University of Rome and a twice-nominated Nobel Prize candidate, we learned that Kambo encompasses a "remarkable chemical blend with potential medical applications unparalleled by any other amphibian." The bioactive peptides and neuropeptides identified in Kambo work as cellular messengers in the body, enhancing the body and allowing it to return to homeostasis. In short, we can think of Kambo as a "hard reboot" of our body's core processes. 


Kambo has the potential for assisting with a wide variety of ailments/conditions, as well as providing an element of disease prevention with the peptides playing specific roles within various bodily systems.


Examples of these conditions are as follows: 


  • Migraines

  • Vascular Insufficiency

  • Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s Disease

  • Adrenal Insufficiency

  • Opiate Addictions

  • Chronic Pain

  • Cancerous Tumors

  • PTSD

  • Depression/Anxiety

  • Hypertension

  • Hormonal Imbalances

  • Insulin Resistance

  • Herpes Infections

  • Candida Overgrowth

  • Gut & Digestive Issues

  • Autoimmune Disorders

  • Lyme Disease

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Bacterial/Viral/Parasitic/Fungal Infections

  • Obesity

  • PMDD



Where do we get Kambo?

Kambo is harvested ethically using historical techniques learned from the tribesmen of the Amazon. Don't worry, these frogs are not harmed in the harvest. They are actually rather highly revered and protected. In fact, The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) endangered species database lists them in the "Least Concern" category during its most recent evaluation of the species. After being gently harvested from the frog, Kambo is then dried onto a flat wooden stick to be served to those seeking it as medicinal/supplemental purposes. The frog is then released back to its home in the jungle canopy. If the same frog is called from the canopy for harvest during a certain period of time, it is immediately released in order to protect and not subject it to overharvesting. 


Tribal Detox, the organization with whom I am affiliated, has contracted to only acquire Kambo from the Cocama Tribe in Peru.  In turn, they guarantee the safe and ethical harvesting of Kambo. Tribal Detox works closely with this tribe, giving back to their community with assistance in funding for improvements in their infrastructure, land, and water supply. It is an honor to be involved with giving back to these tribes for sharing their knowledge and gift of Kambo. If you feel called to donate directly to the Cocama, please follow this permanent link to a GoFundMe account organized by Tribal Detox.  100% of the donations received are sent to the tribes!


Who can sit with Kambo?

While it is completely safe for almost everyone to sit in a Kambo experience, there are some contraindications. If any of these conditions apply to you, we strongly advise against participating in a Kambo treatment: 



  • Serious heart problems, especially heart surgeries and/or stent placement

  • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

  • Marfan Syndrome

  • Loeys-Dietz Syndrome

  • History of stroke or brain hemorrhage

  • Aneurysms or blood clots

  • Severe mental health conditions (EXCLUDING depression, PTSD, and anxiety)

  • Addison’s Disease

  • Severe/Current Epilepsy

  • Recovering from a major surgical procedure

  • Pregnancy, potential pregnancy, or breastfeeding a child under six months old



  • Are taking any medication for LOW blood pressure

  • Are taking a daily diuretic

  • Undergoing chemotherapy/radiotherapy, or are within six weeks post-treatment

  • Taking immuno-suppressant medications for an organ transplant



  • Are on a NO-SALT DIET (Ayahuasca Diet)

  • Have consumed large amounts of water prior to Kambo

  • Have been fasting for longer than 18 hours a day (within 7 days)

  • Lack the mental capacity to make a voluntary decision to sit with Kambo

  • Under 18 years old

  • Recent participation in a Bufo ceremony within the past six weeks

  • Recent consumption of other strong plant medicines within 24-hours (San Pedro, Ayahuasca, Mushrooms), or are on a NO-SALT DIET due to ceremony.


While we truly wish we could serve anyone and everyone who expresses interest in receiving Kambo, unfortunately there are times where the risk outweighs the benefits. Therefore, it is essential to be completely transparent when discussing your medical & surgical history with your Practitioner.

What to expect during a Kambo session?

Upon arrival to your session, we will first discuss your intentions and verify that you have adhered to the pre-Kambo protocol sent to you via email.  I will then make the gates by burning small superficial blisters into the first two layers of skin using an incense stick. This allows Kambo to absorb into the subcutaneous tissue and subsequently enter the bloodstream. This is the ONLY way Kambo can be safely introduced into the human body. ​


Next, I will  rehydrate the Kambo secretion with a small amount of water to make small dots of paste.  While I am preparing the Kambo, I will ask that you drink 1/2 to 3/4 liter of water in preparation for your session.  Upon consumption of the water, I will apply the desired number of Kambo dots to the gates and set a 20-minute timer. The number of dots and administration techniques vary from person to person and session to session.  We will discuss the amount of Kambo you will receive and the manner in which it will be applied at the very beginning of your session.


Once the Kambo is applied, the onset of symptoms manifests rapidly, but are transient.  The initial symptoms include a warm flush enveloping the body with a sensation similar to stepping into a hot sauna.  You will feel an increase in heart rate that may be accompanied by a subtle pulsating feeling in the head.  Numbness or tingling in the lips, ears and tongue may also occur, as well as dizziness or light-headedness.  These initial symptoms are all very normal and are the most noticeable during the first 5 minutes.


For the next 10-15 minutes of the session, you may experience mild flu-like symptoms such as weakness, body aches, nausea and possibly an urge to purge. Contrary to popular belief, purging is not necessary for Kambo to be beneficial. The purging response is a normal pharmacological side effect and is usually undramatic. If purging does occur, the pre-Kambo hydration protocol ensures that it is relatively comfortable. As the session nears the 20-minute mark, clients typically experience a swift decline in the flu-like symptoms, often transitioning into a deeply relaxed state, and even occasionally feeling euphoric for the remainder of the session. Sometimes emotions on any spectrum might arise, which I ask that you allow with an open mind and open heart.  Emotions during and after Kambo are often messengers related to areas in our life that need attention. 


The Kambo dots are removed at the end of 20 minutes and the gates are dressed with an anti-septic called Dragon's Blood.  You will then be given time to comfortably recover, usually lasting around 30 minutes, during which time I will offer drinks and a small snack.  Upon recovery, you will generally find yourself feeling restored and able to resume your daily activities. The therapeutic benefits of Kambo often manifest in coming hours/days, with some individuals noting positive effects lasting weeks/months post-session.


After your Kambo session, I will continue to be available for your guidance and integration, should you need it. 

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